“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate this thing called SCHMIDT.”.Don’t touch my shin every time there’s a big play, okay? DON’T TOUCH ME EVERY TIME!” – Nick Miller To top the night off, New Girl ended with a Prince and Jessica Day duet.Jess wins for the best declaration of I LOVE YOU.The PRINCE freak out might have been the best of the night!.Jess faints while trying to say ‘I love you’ back to Nick… in the middle of the dance floor.Ford Fusion product placement within New Girl? The Super Bowl is over, no more commercials!.Finger guns might have made an appearance. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the most romantic moment.

SEVERE Spoiler Alert!!! Nick tells Jess, “I LOVE YOU”! And fangirls across America all did a happy dance.Flashback: Nick Miller and Winston Bishop in high school.Jess and Cece scored invitations to a Prince party! Remind me again… What age group is New Girl geared towards?.The “panty debacle” might be one of the weirdest conversations at the loft, but also one of the funniest!.The cast must have solid six-pack abs from constantly laughing! I would really enjoy visiting the set – just to get a feel of the atmosphere and see how much improvisation actually goes on. Brilliant writing, brilliant directing, and brilliant acting does in fact make a beyond brilliant show (sorry, lots of ‘brilliants’). Max Greenfield’s Schmidt definitely stole the show this time around. “Exes” was a pretty great episode too, although it didn’t have as many highlights for me.

There was just a giant amount of epic-ness happening! Everything is pretty much explained below, so if you need to play catch-up, this is the place to do it. I don’t know what to tell you about these, especially “Prince”. All in all we got a double dose of AWESOME! What a treat we got this week two brand new episodes of New Girl! “Prince” aired after the Super Bowl on Sunday, while “Exes” aired last night during its normal timeslot.